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Conservative values include the following:
The sanctity of human life
The traditional family
Religious liberty
Conscience rights for healthcare workers
Judges who support the Constitution
School choice and local control
Fiscal responsibility
National sovereignty
Secure borders
A strong military
The free enterprise system
The rights of the unborn
Secure elections, voter IDs
Compare Party Platforms (2016-2020)
FYInfo Contact:
- Print the What Kind of Country post card (print yours)
Question, explore, learn, and share with others!
Conservative values include the following:
The sanctity of human life
The traditional family
Religious liberty
Conscience rights for healthcare workers
Judges who support the Constitution
School choice and local control
Fiscal responsibility
National sovereignty
Secure borders
A strong military
The free enterprise system
The rights of the unborn
Secure elections, voter IDs
Compare Party Platforms (2016-2020)
FYInfo Contact:
- Print the What Kind of Country post card (print yours)
Excellent Website!