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About the 2025 DP Referendum:A summary from Ari:
If you are interested in learning more about the movement to address the Incorporation of Kimball Junctions Dakota Pacific area go to www.protectsummitcounty.org
Additionally, here is the link to the 2025 DP Referendum Signature Guide.
If you want to gather signatures, please review the Signature Guide and send an email to: protectsummitcounty@gmail.com
The Dakota Pacific issue in Park City centers on a proposed development in Kimball Junction by Dakota Pacific Real Estate. Initially, the land was designated for a tech office park, but the developer seeks to amend the agreement to build a mixed-use neighborhood comprising over 800 housing units, including affordable housing, along with office and retail spaces. This proposal has sparked significant debate within the community.
Community Opposition and Referendum Efforts
Many residents have expressed concerns about the potential impacts of the development, particularly regarding increased traffic congestion, infrastructure strain, and a departure from the area’s original zoning intentions. In response, a group of citizens initiated a referendum to overturn the Summit County Council’s December 2024 approval of the project. To place the referendum on the November 2025 ballot, sponsors must gather approximately 4,554 valid signatures from registered voters across Summit County by March 3, 2025. ?
Developer’s Actions and Legislative Context
In reaction to the referendum, Dakota Pacific established a group called “Wasatch Back Future” to dissuade residents from supporting the petition. Additionally, the developer filed a petition to incorporate the development area as a new town, named Park City Tech, which would grant them greater control over zoning and land-use decisions. This move leverages recent state legislation that allows developers to form municipalities under certain conditions. ?
Current Status
As of early February 2025, the referendum effort is ongoing, with volunteers actively collecting signatures. The outcome remains uncertain, with potential scenarios including the referendum qualifying for the ballot, the developer’s incorporation petition being approved, or further legal and political developments influencing the project’s future.
Let’s Use our Voice – Karen Ballash:
Let’s use our voice
A Writeup from a constituent:
Dakota Pacific Over Reach PROTECT SUMMIT COUNTY
- What exactly is the petition for? On December 18th, 2024, Summit County Council voted 4-1 to adopt Ordinance 987 authorizing changes to Dakota Pacific’s Development Agreement (DA). It paves the way for far more density and impacts than Dakota’s parcels otherwise allow. The Council repeatedly cited external pressures and threats to make a deal with Dakota Pacific, despite the overwhelming majority of Summit County voters consistently and publicly opposing any changes to the DA for years. The petition is part of the formal ballot referendum process through which voters can use a tool made available to us by the State of Utah to vote directly on whether to approve or reject Ordinance 987. If the petition successfully collects enough signatures, then Ordinance 987 goes on November 2025 ballots, and we can repeal it.
- What is a referendum and will this actually work in Summit County, UT? Short answer: It’s a way for voters to repeal Ordinance 987, and yes, Utah’s Supreme Court confirms it can absolutely work in Summit County. Long answer: A ballot referendum in Summit County refers to a process where citizens can vote directly on whether to approve or reject a specific law that has already been passed by the County Council. This mechanism allows Summit County voters to have a direct say in legislative process. A referendum is typically used when citizens disagree with a recently passed law and want to challenge it by putting it to a public vote. To get a referendum on the ballot, citizens must gather 4,554 signatures from voters evenly distributed across Summit County’s 4 voter participation areas. If enough valid signatures are collected, the law in question is suspended until the next general election, when voters decide to either uphold or repeal it. A majority “yes” vote means the law takes effect or remains in place. A majority “no” vote means the law is repealed. In 2019, Utah voters used the referendum process to challenge tax reform legislation passed by the state legislature. Enough signatures were gathered to place the issue on the ballot, leading lawmakers to repeal the law before the election. And in 2024, Utah’s Supreme Court twice refused the Legislature’s attempts to repeal or alter voted-approved ballot initiatives, thereby affirming the supreme authority of voters in Utah.
- Who’s behind this? The people. Seven Summit County residents sponsored the initial referendum application, but there are many people now involved in signature gathering in support of a referendum on Ordinance 987.
- Where can I find a petition to sign? https://www.protectsummitcounty.org/Check the “Sign The Petition” section of this website and find out if signature gatherers have announced collection locations for today or tomorrow. Check NextDoor and social media to what’s going on your neighborhood and who might be collecting signatures. You can also email protectsummitcounty@gmail.comto be connected to a signature gatherer. Please be sure you are a registered Summit County voter (check here) and you live in one of the 4 “Voter Participation Areas” (check the interactive color coded map here).
- What about SB 258 and Dakota’s intentions to create a new town? Don’t take the bait!! Because that’s exactly what wholly unconstitutional and very likely to be overturned SB 258 is; it’s a bait and scare tactic intended to bully the public into thinking we are powerless in the same way Dakota Pacific successfully bullied County Council. Dakota is unlikely to succeed in a months long process that involves many hurdles and is seeing constitutional challenges. But if Dakota is successful in demoralizing and discouraging voters from signing a referendum petition before March 3rd, then they will succeed in forever nullifying the only tool we have to keep Dakota Pacific in check – our votes in November.
This referendum is how we ensure, no matter what, that Summit County voters reserve our right to enforce the existing Development Agreement and entitlements on the Dakota Pacific-owned parcels at Kimball Junction. Don’t take the bait and don’t be fooled!! Have more questions? Send an email to protectsummitcounty@gmail.com.